Executive Protection
Our executive protection team is built around tactically trained former FBI Agents who were recently team leaders on FBI SWAT teams. The FBI provided our team with world class training for protection assignments. Collectively, we have provided protection to, among others, high level government officials, threatened witnesses, and FBI Agents traveling overseas to investigate kidnappings, violent attacks, and bombings. Most of us have served on protection details for the United States Attorney General and the FBI Director, including when they have traveled abroad.
In the private sector, we have provided long-term protection for high-net-worth individuals victimized by organized crime figures. We have the know-how, capability, and resources to stand up long-term protection details. We can even provide tactically trained paramedics if a protectee is concerned about medical issues.
We have many times provided short-term protection to corporate executives and lawyers. We have protected employees at the workplace. We have helped businesses execute high-risk employee terminations in a controlled and safe way. We have substantial experience working directly with C-suites and HR departments to prevent workplace violence, protect employees, and provide peace of mind.
We have provided protection during legal proceedings, at various corporate workplaces, in the homes of families, and in one case, inside a hospital for a week. We have an unblemished record of successfully providing security while avoiding any disruption to the environments in which we have operated.
We work armed, but our weapons are carefully concealed. Our approach is to be discreet and professional. We work hard to understand and diffuse threats, so that force isn’t necessary. We will blend into the environment and are easy to work with.