Mike Greene
Retired FBI Agent
Licensed Private Investigator
Licensed Security Officer
Assigned to the Atlanta Division of the FBI for 30 years
Assigned to the Violent Crime/Reactive Squad for 29 years as a case agent
As a case agent, participated in hundreds of investigations, arrested violent subjects, executed search warrants, processed crime scenes, prepared cases for trial, and testified in a wide variety of local, state, and federal trials
Served on FBI-Atlanta SWAT as a team member for 28 years, Assault Team/Sniper Team leader for 25 years
Served on numerous protection details for US Attorneys General, Directors of the FBI, and other DOJ officials
Conducted physical security assessments for various public venues and government facilities
Participated in the implementation of security measures for national special events including multiple super bowls, national political conventions, 1996 Summer Olympics
Deployed for disaster scene relief missions throughout the United States and its territories
Imbedded as an investigator, interrogator, operator, and crime scene analyst with US Army ODA 782 in Oruzgan Province, Afghanistan in 2006
Served in the US Marine Corps as an Infantry Officer/Nuclear Sub Security Guard Officer (1981-1987). Honorably discharged at the rank of Captain.
BA (Criminal Justice) from Chadron State College, Chadron, NE (1977-1981)