Jason Esslinger
Retired FBI Agent with 20 years of service
Licensed Security Officer
Assigned to New Orleans and Birmingham Divisions of the FBI
Civil Rights and Domestic Terrorism investigator for the FBI
FBI SWAT team member for 18 years, serving as SWAT Paramedic and Division Medical Coordinator
Participated in hundreds of high-risk arrests
Successfully investigated corrupt law enforcement officers
Served on JTTF (Joint Terrorism Task Force) and other task forces with state/local law enforcement
Member of first FBI Advanced Capability Paramedic (ADCAP) Program class, which is based on the US Military’s Special Operations Medical training
Served on many protection details for US Attorneys General and FBI Directors
FBI Bomb Technician trained to Level 3 Stabilization
Adjunct Instructor at FBI Hazardous Devices School
Assistant Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Coordinator
Extensive experience in national security, terrorism, public corruption, civil rights, financial, and criminal investigations
Certified FBI Instructor for Civil Rights violations
Significantly participated in AMERITHRAX and PENTTBOMB investigations
Provided tactical medical support to numerous national level special events
Provided Bomb Technician support to numerous National Security Special Events in support of Render Safe mission
Deployed OCONUS to provide tactical medical support
Deployed OCONUS to train foreign bomb technicians
Primary WMD liaison with US Secret Service during presidential visits to Louisiana following Hurricane Katrina
Medical coordinator for Hurricanes Katrina and Rita response
National Registered Paramedic since 1989
Managed a high-performance EMS service
Attended the University of Alabama and earned a bachelor's degree in English.